The limitless virtues of the Lord Buddha
Dhamma For People :- The limitless virtues of the Lord Buddha
Remember My Word. Yes, I Will
My life completely changed from a high point to the ground and all our saving money was gone in a short time. We gained debts instead. I was very sorrowful and stressed out. The more I was serious, the stronger and the more wine I drank.
The Consequences of Mixing with a Fool:
Viewed by the company you keep, as being untrustworthy, unreliable and like the company you mix with
The Essence of Human Reformation
When we consider the subject of reforming human nature, the subject of this book, we mean the transformation process from the untrained to the well-trained mind.
Listening Regularly to Dhamma Teachings # 2
Do not think that the monk is young, you are older than the monk and you have listened to the sermons of senior well-known monks many times
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Cherishing our husband or wife (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Thirteen :- Cherishing our husband or wife.
Thai Youth In The High Tech Era
Very often I felt like surrendering and didn’t understand why the more merit I made the more degrading my life was until I became penniless. I felt as if I was in the dark. However, no matter how bad it was I would not give in and I chose to fight to my death. I changed from being downhearted to taking up the challenge. Finally I found out the best solution was not to think about it and to motivate myself to keep on making merit with an assurance that one day the merit will certainly yield fruit.
When Taiwanese Bhikkuni Teaches In A Prison
I am a Taiwanese Bhikkuni of Buddhism in Taiwan. I have been ordained for almost 30 years and have been teaching Dhamma to the prisoners who mostly are under a death sentence at the biggest jail in Taiwan for more than 20 years.
My name is Koichi Enomoto. I am Japanese. As the only son, I was well looked after. I had no siblings to share and learn the intricacies of gibing and taking with, thus I didn’t know the virtue of gibing.
You Must Win
What demerit did her younger sister make with her husband that caused her to be shot and paralyzed for 30 years? Her husband died in 2006 from a heart attack. Where did he go? Is he being punished for the demerit he performed against her? What merit caused her to be the owner of the land full of slate? This land provides her with constant income and no matter how much slate is dug up, there is even more available.